
This is not an article on a sketchy dude being held by the law enforcers for the 'crime' of carrying marijuna, rather the write-up focuses on the possibilities of being immune to Covid-19 by being high.
A chemical found in live cannabis plants could help protect human cells against covid infections, revealed a study published in the Journal of Natural Products.
Cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) - which are present in hemp were able to prevent COVID infections by binding onto the SARS-Cov-2 virus's spike protein, claimed the scientists of Oregon State University.
Lead author of the highly ambitious study Dr Richard van Breemen noted, "Any part of the infection and replication cycle is a potential target for antiviral intervention, and the connection of the spike protein's receptor binding domain to the human cell surface receptor ACE2 is a critical step in that cycle."
"That means cell entry inhibitors, like the acids from hemp, could be used to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and also to shorten infections by preventing virus particles from infecting human cells," he added.
Researchers also claimed that these acids could be used to combat variants of COVID. "Our research showed the hemp compounds were equally effective against variants of SARS-CoV-2, including variant B.1.1.7, which was first detected in the United Kingdom, and variant B.1.351, first detected in South Africa."
They took things further and noted that their discovery can also help combat the Omicron variant of Covid-19.
"Our data show CBDA and CBGA are effective against the two variants we looked at, and we hope that trend will extend to other existing and future variants," Dr van Breemen says.
But if stoners get high on the possibilities of being protected against coronavirus with the rll of a joint, this scribe unfortunately will be a bad news bearer.
The study does not claim that smoking weed prevents Covid, rather one needs to ingest these hemp compounds orally - most likely in the form of a pill or liquid.
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