Much awaited film on the late playwright Humayun Ahmed's iconic character Misir Ali is all set to get released. It has been officially declared that the film will be released on October 19. This is the first film on Misir Ali and it has been titled 'Debi.' The film has received Censor Board's 'Uncut Approval'. The film has been directed by Anam Biswas, screenplay writer of the hit film Aynabazi. Jaya Ahsan with her film production house 'C te Cinema' has undertaken the production works, as her first production. Chanchal Chowdhury will be seen in the role of the titular Misir Ali. Other notable actors of the film are Shabnam Faria, Animesh Aich, Iresh Zaker and Jaya Ahsan herself. The film has also received government's grant for production. Jaaz Multimedia has taken up the promotional works for the film.
Meanwhile the team behind 'Debi' would appear before the film buffs once again before the film's released. On October 8, Jaya Ahsan along with the lead actor Chanchal Chowdhury appeared in British Council Cultural Center's regular discussion series 'Starflixed.' In this star talk titled 'Debi- Misir Ali Prothombar' Jaya and Chanchal gave insights into the film's production works, theme and inspirations. Chanchal was present his thoughts on how he took on Humayun Ahmed's intriguing, mystery-busting, psychologist Misri Ali. Jaya articulated her story about how she progressed through her career to become a female film producer. At the star talk an exhibition of fashion house Biswo Rong's special designs for 'Debi' was presented before the viewers. The exhibition was open for all from 10am to 7pm at the British Council Auditorium at Fuller Road, University of Dhaka. The star talk was continued from 5pm to 6pm at the same venue.
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