
Deputy Director General of UNB, Masud Khan (left), and ANSA Managing Director Stefano De Alessandri: Photo Courtesy: ANSA
United News of Bangladesh (UNB) and ANSA have signed a collaboration agreement in Milan, Italy recently.
The agreement envisages the possibility of using and republishing on their respective platforms the partners' information and news services, as well as the possibility of developing joint commercial offers in support of the communication of institutions and businesses in their respective countries.
The accord was signed in Milan by the Deputy Director General of UNB, Masud Khan, and ANSA Managing Director Stefano De Alessandri, in the presence of the Consul-General of Bangladesh in Italy MJH Jabed and, on a digital link, Italian Ambassador in Bangladesh Enrico Nunziata.
For Ambassador Nunziata, "ANSA's accord with UNB, the most accredited private Bangladeshi news agency, will permit greater certainty and reliability of news coming from Bangladesh, a country in constant economic growth and with ever closer relations with Italy, under the various profiles of cooperation, above all economic and commercial and migratory".
"I congratulate UNB and ANSA for the signing of the accord which will certainly facilitate and promote the free flow of information and news between the two democratic and friendly countries: Bangladesh and Italy", declared Consul-General of Bangladesh in Italy MJH Jabed.
"UNB and ANSA," he went on, "are two important news agencies which represent their respective countries and regions and their collaboration and cooperation will be able to help spread news, points of view, ideas and perspectives to a wide cross-section of readers, in a broader context. I hope that several exchange programmes at the professional and technical level will be undertaken".
Deputy Director General of UNB Masud Khan declared: "I am filled with pride by the signing of this partnership accord between UNB and ANSA, as the main press agencies in their respective countries, Bangladesh and Italy. We are proud of the current role of UNB, which supplies objective and trustworthy news to all the main organs of information in Bangladesh, as well as numerous major international outlets."
He said, "We have established important partnerships, like today's, thanks to relations built over 35 years of adhering to the best principles of journalism."
Masud Khan also said, "I am very happy to connect with ANSA today, which shares the same principles as UNB: founded 78 years ago, ANSA has maintained since then its mission of 'distributing correct and objective news'. I expect an extremely fruitful partnership between our two organizations in the days to come".
ANSA Managing Director Stefano De Alessandri voiced his satisfaction for the new international accord, which follows the over 40 ones sealed in the last 12 months with the world's major news agencies: "The new collaboration reached with UNB marks a new stage in our growth strategy on the international market, which further enriches the offering of news for our subscribers and clients. I am certain that this new partnership will help bring to Italy a greater knowledge of the reality of Bangladesh and, vice versa, lead to a more significant diffusion in Bangladesh of our country's information and news."
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