A trade negotiating team of Japan will visit Dhaka from May 19-23 for the first round of Bangladesh-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations.

Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud expressed hope that an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) would be concluded to get Japanese financial concessions by 2026 when Bangladesh will be graduated from LDC status.

He thanked Japan for sending the trade negotiating team for the negotiations on the proposed EPA.

Japanese Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Hosaka Yasushi, who met Hasan Mahmud on Wednesday, expressed his optimism to ensure the steady development of bilateral cooperation with Bangladesh under the "Strategic Partnership" and work together to realize a "Free and Open Indo Pacific (FOIP).

Hosaka mentioned that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's visit to Japan in April last year was a cornerstone of future bilateral relations between Bangladesh and japan.

He expressed his gratitude to the government of Bangladesh for hosting the 30th anniversary of International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD30) Global Dialogue.

During his meeting with Foreign Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud on Wednesday, Hasan showed his appreciation for Japan's assistance in the development of infrastructure in Bangladesh and expressed his desire to further develop the bilateral relations, particularly to attract more Japanese investment in Bangladesh including Matarbari and Chittagong areas.

Hasan sought Japan's assistance in helping Bangladesh develop its ship recycling industry in a safe and sustainable manner. He sought necessary funds through JICA in this regard to expedite the process.

The Vice Minister informed that Japan would shortly send a technical expert team in this regard.

Foreign Minister Hasan expressed his optimism that Japan would continue to support the long-term plan for development of Southern Chattogram under the BIG-B initiative to enhance connectivity in the region and beyond.

He reiterated the deep confidence of the people of Bangladesh on the Japanese goods and services.

Hasan emphasised on more Japanese investments in Bangladesh, particularly in the Special Economic Zones in Aaraihazar and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Shilpa Nagar at Mirsarai in Chattogram.

Hasan thanked the Vice Minister for representing the government of Japan in the ICPD30 Global Dialogue in Dhaka.

He recalled the unwavering Japanese support for the cause of our independence in 1971 as well as the historic official visit of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Japan in October 1973.

The government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina would like to strengthen the existing strategic partnership between Bangladesh and Japan to further heights and engagements, he appraised.

Hasan expressed satisfaction at the good progress of JICA-assisted mega-infrastructure projects, including Matarbari deep seaport, Matarbari Coal Fired Power Plant, Dhaka Metro Rail, etc.

He thanked the government of Japan for the continued efforts towards a durable solution for the safe, sustainable, and dignified return of the forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals (Rohingyas) to the Rakhine State of Myanmar for peace, stability, and security in the region.

Hasan sought Japan's assistance in helping Bangladesh develop its ship recycling industry in a safe and sustainable manner.

He sought necessary funds through JICA in this regard to expedite the process. The Vice Minister informed that Japan would shortly send a technical expert team in this regard.

The Japanese Vice Minister referred to Bangladesh as a country of growing population and booming economy.

Both the Vice Minister and the FM expressed satisfaction at the close cooperation between Bangladesh and Japan in different multilateral fora and hoped that both the countries will continue close cooperation for international peace and security, and sustainable development.

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