This movie is among the greatest James Bond movies. This is the twentieth James Bond film. This film is Pierce Brosnan's fourth and last James Bond film. This film was directed by Lee Tamahori. The directing was remarkable. The film was written by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade. Pierce Brosnan acted as James Bond. James Bond is a fictional British agent. Oscar winning actress, Halle Berry acted as NSA agent Jinx. At first James Bond was captured, betrayed, and tortured in North Korea. After fourteen months James Bond is free but traded to Zao. Zao is a North Korean terrorist.

Later James Bond reaches to South Korea. Then James Bond becomes sedated and loses consciousness. While James Bond is unconscious he goes through medical tests. Later M confronts James Bond about his detainment in North Korea. M tells James Bond That Zao has done a terrorist attack in Hong Kong. Next James Bond goes to Hong Kong. He dives into water and swims to shore. Next James Bond enters Royal Rubyeon Hotel wearing hospital clothes. Later Mr. Chang arranges James Bond a suite. James Bond cleans up. James Bond next welcomes Peaceful Fountains of Desire, a Chinese masseuse to his hotel room. James Bond next finds a gun from the masseuse and throws an ashtray through the mirror. James Bond finds Mr. Chang and some people filming behind the mirror. James Bond informs Mr. Chang, that he knows Mr. Chang is working for the Chinese intelligence.

Next Mr. Chang gives James Bond a false passport and a plane ticket to Havana, Cuba. Zao has been located in Havana Cuba. James Bond next arrives to Cuba. Next James Bond meets Jinx at a beach. Jinx emerges out of the water, wearing an orange bikini. That night James Bond and Jinx sleep with each other. The next morning Jinx leaves. Later James Bond tries to question Zao. Next James Bond and Zao fight. James Bond finds Jinx next. Later James Bond finds small diamonds. James Bond goes to Raoul to have the diamonds studied. From Raoul James Bond finds out that they are conflict diamonds. Later James Bond deals with a British billionaire, Gustav Graves to rule the world. In the film James Bond is romantically linked with Jinx and Miranda Frost. A notable scene in the movie is the ending. The ending of the movie is perfect. This scene is at a Buddhist temple. In this scene James Bond romances Jinx. In the end they are surrounded with diamonds.

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