Amidst the devastating floods that have ravaged the Feni district, an unsettling and heartbreaking sight has emerged-bodies of loved ones were seen floating on makeshift banana rafts. Due to ...
Amidst the devastating floods that have ravaged the Feni district, an unsettling and heartbreaking sight has emerged-bodies of loved ones were seen floating on makeshift banana rafts. Due to ...
Flood control methods aim to minimise and prevent the detrimental effects of flood waters on road surfaces, human habitats and green spaces. Flooding can be caused by heavy rain or manmade c ...
The education advisor of the current Interim Government, on his first day in office, expressed a clear intention to gradually revert from the current 2021 curriculum to a previous one, citin ...
A 2023 survey conducted by three United Nations agencies in Afghanistan revealed a grim reality: nearly one-fifth of Afghan women had not interacted with anyone outside their immediate famil ...
I was living in Toronto when I got a call from Dhaka informing me that both had died in a car crash when a truck hit their vehicle. I had known both for so long and so close that it was fami ...
The political complexity that Sk. Mujibur Rahman faced in 1975 was far greater than any that has been faced by rulers after his death. Various ruling groups and class that have run Banglades ...
Populations around the world are aging, as mortality and fertility rates fall. While increased longevity represents a remarkable achievement of modern medicine and public health, the steep d ...