Shujeo Shyam, veteran artiste of Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra team has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. It has also been reported that he is using money from his Ekushey Padak win this year. He has appealed to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and also to the Almighty for help. Recently, around a month ago, he went to Bengaluru to do a checkup of his health. There in his urine doctors found elements of cancer. Then the hospital authorities recommended him to do a biopsy, for a valid diagnosis. But he came back to Dhaka to do a biopsy here and abide by the medical rules set by doctors here. However, doctors in Dhaka confirmed him that he has cancer.
He will again go to India on August 4 to do a checkup on the type and category of his cancer. It has been claimed that he is conducting his medical treatment at his own cost. He has always depended on his income generated by music to fend for himself and his family. Some cash were stored up for emergency use. He is using that very sum now to carry out his treatment. Plus he received two lac taka, as prize money for his 2017 Ekushey Padak, delivered this year. He has also capitalized on this cash for his treatment.
Shujeo Sham has claimed that he has never been a service-holder and still he is not one. His family has always been depended on his income generated by music. At the first instance of his medical checkup in India doctors, there asked him to go through a biopsy for final assertion. But he could not do that in India for being short of cash.
Shujeo Sham has composed and arranged music for the first song to be broadcast by Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra after gaining victory in the Liberation War. The song "Bijoy Nisha Urchhe Oi" is also believed to be the last song from Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra. Other phenomenal songs written by him are Rokto Diye Naam Likhechi, Rokto Chai Rokto Chai, Shonre Tora Shon etc. In modern times too he has left his marks. In 2009 he rearranged music of fifty top songs from Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra with voicing by young new generation artistes. n
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