The premiere shows of two films on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were held on June 22. The two films are named "Shedin Sraboner Megh Chilo" and "Janak 1975". They are part of an elaborate series "Mahamanaber Desh-E" that centers around the events surrounding Bangabandhu's murder. The premiere shows were held at the National Art Gallery of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. Scripts of the two films have been penned by Shahid Rahman and the two films have been directed by Razibul Islam Razib and Azad Kalam. Dhaka Padatik and Tiyasa Multimedia organised the event.
Shedin Sraboner Megh Chilo is about the day of August 15, 1975. In the immediate aftermath of Bangabandhu's murder along with his entire family, it is depicted that not much protests erupted through the country. There were sporadic incidents. One zooms in on a newly-wed freedom fighter. At the news of the great leader's death he leaves behind his wife to respond to the call of a school teacher. He is eventually apprehended by the military and tortured.
Janak 1975 focuses on a similar scenario. Here the protesters are a minority group of indigenous Garo community living in the border region of Mymensingh and Netrokona. They too however fall victim to military brutality.
Present as chief guest was Law Minister Anisul Huq. A special discussion session was also held on the day of the premiere shows. To share their thoughts also present were Human right activist Sultana Kamal, Professor AAMS Arefin Siddique, former VC of DU; media personality Abed Khan; Muhammad Shafiqur Rahman, president of National Press Club; Golam Kuddus, president of Sammilita Sanskritik Jote; famed architect Ziaul Huq Chowdhury, managing director of Architects Limited; Shamal Dutta, editor of the Daily Bhorer Kagoj; journalist Samiya Rahman and others.
The fourth segment "Shedin Sraboner Megh Chilo" casts Azad Abul Kalam, Rownak Hasan, Mizanur Rahman. The other segment "Janak 1975" casts Tarik Anam Khan, Arman Parvez Murad, Shamal Mawla and more. n
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