Jonmo Vumi, the first full-length feature film on Rohingya people taking shelter in Bangladesh have been released. Directed by Proshoon Rahman the film explores the fate of pregnant Rohingya women in the refugee camps in Cox's Bazar. The film was released at Star Cineplex on December 14. The director has said that according to records cinema hall owners do not want to screen films like Jonmo Vumi, as they do not have actions and thrills, so it had to be released in one cineplex only.
In the film a young Rohingya lady takes refuge with others in the camps in Cox's Bazar to escape Myanmar Army's recent persecutions. She happens to be one of sixty-five thousand ladies who are expecting child. But this lady is not ready to give birth in her present destination. The hugely populated, congested and squalid huts of the camps dissuade her from bringing forth her precious child. A population of around ten million in poorly-set-up camps is not the likely setting she wants her newborn to face. She desires to give birth back in her homeland in Arakan, the present day Rakhine state of Myanmar. In the trailer she claims that the Rohingya people love their homeland more than others can possibly imagine. They harmed none of Myanmar to face such ordeals. What happens next will be learnt while watching the film. It is now getting three shows daily at Star Cineplex. The film runs for one and a half hour.
Actors of the film include Rownak Hasan, Saira. There is also a German actress who plays the role of a foreigner interested in the Rohingya situation.
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