Full-length feature film PATHSHALA, is the captivating story of a 10-year old street boy Manik, which has been made into a by the director-duo Faisal Roddy and Asif Islam. After winning a huge accolade at some top film festivals in Germany, Canada and India, PATHSHALA is now ready to hit the local screens in Bangladesh through a gala premiere to be held at the Basundhara Cineplex in city on November 20. For the spectators of Dhaka, Chittagong and the other areas in country wherever there is a cineplex, PATHSHALA will be released on November 23. Digital partner and co-producer of PATHSHALA is Stellar Digital Limited (Bongo).
PATHSHALA is the portrayal of hope, friendship and the realization of one's dream. Devastated by the sad reality of an extreme poverty, Manik is forced to leave school and arrives in Dhaka to sustain his body and soul. He begins working at a car repair workshop as a helping hand and in there undergoes severe workload. Yet he cannot but carry on with his dream of going to school and quench the insatiable thirst of learning. At this time, he meets a friend in 8-year old youngster Chumki who steps forward to join this fight of fulfilling a dream. In return, Manik also teaches her the magic spell 'Bos Roneggabi Laakhe' which, when read in reverse, goes like 'Sob Bigganer Khela' (everything is a game of science).
We have a millions of likely Maniks loitering on the streets of Bangladesh who unfortunately have been and are being forced to leave school early in their life and fall victim to a lifelong risk. PATHSHALA, campaigning with the slogan 'Demand School for all the Maniks' is actually a message for the society and these kids inviting them all back to school through providing them the required support.
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