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Food waste is a global problem. Approximately, one third of food that is prepared for human consumption annually (about 1.3 billion tonnes) is wasted. Bangladesh is not exempt from contributing to this problem. Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is home to roughly 18 million people and produces approximately 5,000 tonnes of food waste daily. This has a negative impact on the environment and the overall health of the people of Dhaka.
This report will focus on two main like of inquiry on the subject on food waste.
1) The impact food waste has on the environment
2) Strategies we can use to reduce food waste.
The impact that food waste has on the environment is a major issue. When food is wasted, it often ends up in a landfill. When this waste breaks down it produces methane which is known to be a heat absorbing gas that can be nauseating in concentrations. This alone can cause environmental and human health risks. Natural matter in landfills produces approximately 20 % of global methane emissions.
Food waste also has an impact on our valuable resources. When we waste food, we also waste the resources used to grow, process, package and transport food to their point of distribution and eventually our homes. Most of the energy used to accomplish this comes from non-renewable resources as renewable resources are not yet well developed for these processes.
There are some simple strategies and adjustments we can make in our day to day lives that can significantly reduce food waste. We can start by planning our meals more efficiently and preparing only what we require for each meal. Also, keep track of food you have purchased and the expiry dates. Use what you have before purchasing more food. This will help you reduce waste and save money, it's a winning strategy for the environment and your finances.
If you can plan out your meals for the week prior to going to the grocery store, you will be in a better position to purchase only what you need. To do this, you should pick a day to plan your menu either for the week or the month. Prepare a list of what you will require, complete your grocery shopping and prepare your meals in advance whenever possible. Freezing and refrigeration will be required for this. In the long run, this can save you quite a bit of time and money.
Some problems you may encounter by doing this are forgetting when the food was prepared. There may also be forgotten produce that is hidden in a drawer or food stored in the back of a refrigerator or cupboard stored in an opaque container. These issues can be easily resolved. You can start by labeling prepared items with a date, rotate these items with the oldest food/meals being kept up front, and keep perishable items like produce front- and- center at eye level so that they do not get forgotten. After trying out these methods, you will see positive results. If you have food remaining that you do not think you will get to before expiry, do not let it go to waste. There are many people out there that would appreciate any food that would have otherwise gone to waste and it always feels food when you can help others that are in need.
Awareness is the best way to reduce food waste, so please consider these strategies and share these ideas with your family and friends so that we can all do something positive for the environment and our health.
Richard Asir Mailloux, Class- 5, International School Dhaka
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