
Among the key participants were Enayetullah Khan, Editor-in-Chief of United News of Bangladesh (UNB), and Nahar Khan, Executive Editor of UNB, who actively contributed to the discussions during the event.
UNB Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor attend the event
The AsiaNet Board Meeting and Forum was held in Singapore on January 22-23, emphasising the need for digital transformation, industry learning and embracing technological advancements.
The high-profile Forum brought together prominent media leaders to discuss innovation, collaboration, and the future of media and PR in the region, with representatives from AsiaNet partners Xinhua, VNA, Yonhap, Dataxet, Bernama, Kyodo, Medianet, UNB and PTI in attendance.
Among the key participants were Enayetullah Khan, Editor-in-Chief of United News of Bangladesh (UNB), and Nahar Khan, Executive Editor of UNB, who actively contributed to the discussions during the event.
AsiaNet's forum focused on operational and strategic growth while delving deeper into the theme of "Embracing Innovation."
A key highlight was a panel session moderated by Amrita Sidhu from Medianet. The panellists included Nahar Khan (Executive Editor, UNB), Pannee Yongpiyakul (Managing Director, Dataxet), Anubha Verma (CMO, PTI), and Michiko Fujimoto (Director, Kyodo JBN).
Nahar Khan emphasised how UNB leverages technology to optimize news distribution, enhance audience engagement, and improve efficiency while adhering to its core values of trust and information integrity.
Darren Thayre, Director of Innovation and AI Partnership Lead, Global Strategic Initiatives at Google, delivered an engaging keynote on leveraging AI for strategic initiatives, further inspiring attendees to embrace forward-thinking solutions in the media and PR industry.
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