Late litterateur and filmmaker Humayun Ahmed's son Nuhash Humayun has now directed a music video. Titled 'Khoka' the video has been released on YouTube. Musical greats like Ferdous Wahid and Pritom Hasan have contributed with melodies for the song. Ferdous Wahid has voiced the song while Pritom Hasan has directed the music while also singing to it with Ferdous Wahid. The video includes Ferdous Wahid, Pritom Hasan, Siam Ahmed, Safa Kabir and also Dr Ezaz in different roles.
The story of Khoka is about two friends as they turn out against each other. The bad friend played by Siam Ahmed kills his good pal Pritom Hasan. On TV he expresses his grief at the news of the death, terming it as an accident. Hearing this in the mortuary room, the corpse of Pritom Hasan rises up, and then starts seeking for vengeance throughout the remainder of the music video.
About the project Pritom Hasan said that at first he had whimsically written a music project. He wanted Nuhash to read the lyrics. After reading it Nuhash, conjured up a plot in his mind and asked for necessary adjustments to be made in the lyrics. Then the two teamed up to alter the lyrics and develop a music video accordingly.
Nuhash has already tried his hands on short films for web platforms. He is also a co-director of 'Iti, Tomari Dhaka' the globally recongised full-length feature film that is set to get released in the country this year.
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